When it is chilly and cloudy, and the yellow leaves have already begun their farewell dance in an embrace with the cold wind, you just want to cheer up with something warming and tasty – the lack of sunlight and endorphins needs to be compensated. A cup of coffee or cocoa with marshmallows, a cosy blanket and warm socks are wonderful, but what about those who, for whatever reason, cannot or do not want to drink this aromatic drink?
Fortunately, you can easily find a worthy alternative to coffee – here is a selection of drinks that are good for health and immunity, perfectly tone up and improve mood.
Water with lemon and honey

This drink is suitable for everyone, it is easy and quick to prepare, it contains many vitamins – first of all, it is vitamin C, which is literally necessary for the cold season to maintain immunity.
Making lemon water is very easy. Boiled water at a comfortable hot temperature should be poured over a teaspoon of honey. If you want, you can brew aromatic herbs in advance – basil, rosemary, mint. Squeeze a lemon and enjoy the interesting taste of a healthy drink.
While making the drink you can also turn on your favourite table games on TonyBet sip the water and lie back on an armchair.
Green tea with ginger
The health benefits of green tea cannot be overestimated. It also contains caffeine, but it is perceived by the body in a completely different way than the one found in coffee. You need to take dried or fresh ginger – grate it on a fine grater and take your favourite green tea variety. Suitable for both large-leaf and for brewing in bags.
Such tea is very useful for diseases of the throat or respiratory system, it gently warms the body, so you should not drink it right before going outside.
Tea with milk and cardamom

Black tea will seem unusual and interesting if you add a pinch of ground cardamom to it when brewing. Those who want even more variety can try cinnamon, ground allspice, cloves and vanilla. When adding milk, you get a drink similar to the legendary Indian masala tea.
If you’re not sure if you like a spicy bouquet of herbs and spices, add them one at a time so you know exactly what flavour you like. For those intolerant to milk protein, coconut milk can be used as a substitute.
Dried fruit tincture with herbs
It is not for nothing that children are given compote in kindergarten – it quenches thirst well, it is healthy and tasty. It is easy to prepare: in a clean saucepan or a jug with thick walls, you need to mix washed dried fruits (dried apples, figs, prunes, dried apricots, cranberries, rose hips are suitable) and add herbs or spices.
Matcha tea
Recently, this interesting Japanese tea has become very popular – it is many times healthier than traditional green tea, it can be drunk in the morning as a tonic drink or during the day, and it is also not prohibited before bedtime.
Matcha should be brewed with hot water (about 80 degrees), carefully stirring the green powder with a characteristic aroma with a special bamboo whisk – however, an ordinary teaspoon is also suitable, you just need to stir longer. Matcha is made with honey or cane sugar, coconut or regular milk, or drunk neat.